
Contribute to Our Mission

A river running through a forest filled with rocks.

Make a Donation

Help us create a more resilient water future for the Deschutes Basin. Support our mission to restore streamflow and improve water quality in our local rivers and streams.

A close up of rocks in the water.

Give Monthly. Make a Big Impact

Oregon’s streams and rivers are calling. Join the Instream Collective, our community initiative for sustaining the lifeblood of the Deschutes Basin. Pledge your support and help fund crucial conservation measures that restore and protect our precious rivers and streams. Step forward with the Instream Collective—where your monthly engagement becomes our future. Help us create a wave of change to Raise the Deschutes!

Instream Collective

Giving Levels

Household Water per MonthImpact Investment
Creek Impact 0 - 3,000 Gallons
Average monthly water use for single-person household
$12 monthly / $144 annually
River Impact 3,001 - 6,000 Gallons
Average monthly water use for 2-person household
$24 monthly / $288 annually
Watershed Impact 6,001 - 12,000 Gallons
Average monthly water use for 4-person household
$48 monthly / $576 annually