Discover Fish Migration and Conservation Efforts: A Guided Tour of Pelton Round Butte

Event Date:
June 6, 2024
Discover Fish Migration and Conservation Efforts: A Guided Tour of Pelton Round ButteDiscover Fish Migration and Conservation Efforts: A Guided Tour of Pelton Round Butte
Upcoming Events

Come tour the Pelton Round Butte Fish Passage and Hatchery Facilities On this tour you’ll get to see juvenile steelhead making their way downstream to the ocean, and adult Chinook that have recently returned to the hatchery. Learn about collaborative efforts to reintroduce anadromous fish to the upper basin and restore the habitat that their survival depends upon.

Tour Leaders:

Bobby Brunoe, CEO & Secretary/Treasurer of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and the DRC Board Chair
Megan Hill, Hydro Environmental Manager, Portland General Electric

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