What we do
Education Outreach
Education Outreach The Deschutes River Conservancy is committed to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of our river systems through our educational outreach initiative, Raise the Deschutes.
The Raise the Deschutes Seminar series offers a platform for community members, stakeholders, and conservation enthusiasts to engage with experts in the field of water management and river conservation. The series explores the water challenges our community faces and the solutions we’re working to implement. Each session is designed to empower participants with knowledge and information, encourage active participation in the stewardship of our local water resources, and support the Conservancy's mission to restore and preserve the health of the Deschutes River and its tributaries.

Water for Storage
In the winter, water is stored in the reservoirs for the irrigation season. This seasonal reservoir storage significantly reduces the streamflow in the Upper Deschutes River, defined as the reach from Wickiup Reservoir to Bend.
Water for Irrigation
Nearly 90% of the streamflow from the Deschutes River in Bend is diverted through irrigation canals during the irrigation season. The diversions cause a dramatic reduction of streamflow in the Middle Deschutes, defined as the reach between Bend and Lake Billy Chinook.
Water for Recreation
Thousands of people visit the Lower Deschutes River each year to enjoy its world class fishing, exhilarating whitewater, and spectacular landscape. Many of them are unaware of the issues facing the Upper and Middle reaches of the river.