Help us Raise the Deschutes

Every Drop Counts: Give for Healthy Rivers and Reliable Water

Water Connects Us All

Every person on the planet depends on water. By joining our community, you are investing in innovative solutions to long-standing water challenges. Together, we can ensure that rivers run strong, farmers have the water they need, and communities enjoy clean, reliable water—today and for generations to come.

We believe in a future where healthy rivers sustain fish and wildlife, farmers can rely on a stable water supply, and communities have access to clean drinking water and a vibrant natural environment to share with family and friends.

No matter the size of your contribution—whether you’re a major business or an individual who cares about our rivers—there’s a giving option for you. When it comes to restoring streamflow, every drop makes a difference!

The Deschutes River Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID # 91-1748485805.

Join Our Community of
Monthly Supporters

Automated monthly donations are ideal for those looking to contribute $140 - $575 in total for one year.

Become a monthly supporter for as little as $12 per month and you will join a COLLECTIVE of like minded, passionate river supporters investing in solutions that steward innovative and sustainable water management
solutions resulting in more flows INSTREAM.

To put this simply: The Instream Collective – where your monthly membership becomes water in our river!

Make a One-Time Gift

One-time gifts are ideal to help fund campaigns or for those looking to make larger donations of $600 + in a year.

Help us create a more resilient water future for the Deschutes Basin. Support our mission to restore streamflow and improve water quality throughout Central Oregon.

Other Creative Ways to Give

Contact us for more details

Join Our Collective of Water Conscious Business Partners

Is Your Business Committed to Sustainability and Community Impact?

Does your company take pride in being a community leader, making meaningful commitments to sustainability? Do you believe that business success shouldn’t come at the expense of our natural resources? Are you looking for a tangible, local way to give back and invest in the health of your community?

By partnering with the DRC, your business can join a collective of like-minded companies and individuals dedicated to stewarding a healthy river for our region.

Our tiered membership model ensures that businesses of all sizes have the opportunity to contribute and align with a future of thriving rivers and sustainable water management.

Going Beyond the Dollar

The Deschutes Ambassadors is the DRC’s volunteer program, inviting community members to use their unique skills and passions to support healthy rivers and advance the work of the DRC. Whether you love engaging with people, organizing events, or sharing your expertise, you can help spread the word about river conservation and connect more people to our mission. As an Ambassador, you’ll help the DRC expand in our community, foster partnerships, and inspire action to protect and restore the Deschutes Basin. However you choose to contribute, you’ll play a vital role in making a lasting impact on our rivers and the people who depend on them.

I am interested in Volunteering

Give with Confidence

We know you have many options when it comes to organizations to support. There are many good nonprofits doing amazing work and we appreciate you considering the Deschutes River Conservancy worthy of your hard earned money. We strive to make the most of every dollar received to restore flows back to our rivers and streams while working diligently to guide in a future where our rivers, our farmers, and our communities all have the water they need to thrive.

Transparency is important to us, which is why we are Platinum certified by Candid’s GuideStar, publish an annual Impact Report, and are always available for questions about our mission, organization, or financials.

Check out our Annual Impact Report
Crooked River background image