Auction Item: 3-Day Fishing Trip to Fitzpatrick Homestead Benefit Trout Creek

May 9, 2023
Auction Item: 3-Day Fishing Trip to Fitzpatrick Homestead Benefit Trout Creek

The Bachman Family has generously provided this phenomenal private fishing opportunity. They not only want you to have an amazing experience, but they also want to support The Flyfishers Foundation 2023 grantee, Deschutes River Conservancy. Proceeds from the winning bidder will be forwarded to the DRC.

Directions for Bidding

The value of the Fitzpatrick Homestead auction item is $2,000. The opening bid will be $1,500. Email your bid to Janet Arenz, Foundation President, at Janet will provide updates for bidders, so you can update your bids during the week. At 5pm on May 14, the bidding will close. The highest bidder over $1,500 will win; unless there is a tie between bidders. If so, a lottery will be used to identify the winner between the tie.


The Fitzpatrick Homestead is a privately owned cabin and riverfront property on the Deschutes River. It's on the railroad side, across from the Deschutes Club caretaker's cabin, and therefore, not easy to reach for most people with a rod, flies, and a hankering to feel a Deschutes Redsides on the other end of the line. (There's no road access to the cabin and so getting there involves rowing a drift boat across the river through some rapids.) The 1000-square foot, solar-powered cabin has the amenities of a normal house, including a kitchen (fridge with freezer, stove with oven, but no microwave), toilets, showers (inside and outdoors), and a generous deck. Being off the grid means there's a ceiling fan but no air conditioning and wireless is limited, but the cabin comfortably sleeps up to 3 (individual beds), and the bunkhouse up to 4 (in 2, two-tier bunk beds). Come bank-fish the trout water, or hike up the side of the Deschutes canyon, or just sit and read or watch birds--and then go fish the evening rise!


3-day, 2-night weekend available July-November, 2023. Pets are welcome. Bring your own food and beverages. 1 or 2 family hosts will be with you during your stay. To pin down a date, arrange with the family owners. (Book early! Dates available every other weekend beginning June 30-July 2 to November 17-19, 2023, if the weekend hasn't already been taken!)

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