Reflections on World Water Day

March 23, 2023
Reflections on World Water Day

World Water Day is an important reminder of the crucial role that water plays in our lives. While it is true that we face many challenges in managing this resource sustainably; this year’s World Water Day takes a positive, action-focused outlook. On a global level, it can be difficult to comprehend how an individual can make a difference, but with the inspiration of “be the change you want to see in the world,” we can all make small changes that add up to big effects. This is especially true close to home. In the Deschutes Basin, we have a special connection to the water that supports our communities, agriculture, and industries throughout the region. Our basin is not free from the challenges of drought, declining streamflow, and increasing demand for water from a growing population. L:However, on this World Water Day and beyond we can choose to see the positive. The work and progress that has been made to address these local challenges is nothing short of inspirational. Stakeholders in the Deschutes Basin have adopted a collaborative approach to develop innovative solutions that work to balance the needs of people and nature. Big and small, all our actions help ensure that our home remains a vibrant and healthy ecosystem for generations to come, while also meeting the needs of communities and industries that rely on this precious resource. Learn how we are working together locally for a more resilient Deschutes Basin.

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An aerial view of a body of water.