Staff Spotlight: Ali Engemann - Office Manager

October 28, 2023
Staff Spotlight: Ali Engemann - Office Manager

In two sentences tell us what you do at the Deschutes River Conservancy.

As the Office Manager, I provide general office and administrative support, working closely with the Director of Finance on bookkeeping, administrative tasks, and financial accountability.

What is the most important thing you are working on right now?

We are currently focused on transitioning to a new Customer Relationship Manager database to enhance and organize our donor engagement efforts.

Last book you read OR movie you watched?

The last book I read was Paddling My Own Canoe: A Solo Adventure On the Coast of Molokai by Audrey Sutherland.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love exploring new places, trail running, backpacking, and spending time with my husband and our dog Pinto.

What is one thing you can't live without?

My family and hot sauce. Hot sauce spices up your life!

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