Staff Spotlight: Ben Kittell - Development and Communications Coordinator

December 2, 2023
Staff Spotlight: Ben Kittell - Development and Communications Coordinator

In two sentences tell us what you do at the Deschutes River Conservancy.

I work in Development and Communications to promote the DRC and provide outreach support. My goal is to foster support for the DRC by sharing the inspirational collaborative work being done by our staff and other partner organizations.

What is something that is happening at the organization right now you are very excited about?

The restoration of Trout Creek, a tributary of the Lower Deschutes River, is close to my heart. Working as a fishing guide on the Lower Deschutes for the past 11 years, I have developed a close connection to the fishery. The work on Trout Creek is a fantastic and big step toward supporting a wild steelhead recovery.

What is the most unique part about working for the Deschutes River Conservancy?

The opportunity and care that is taken to maintain trusted relationships across the diverse stakeholders of the Deschutes Basin.

A quote you like to live by?

“People won’t protect what they don't love, and they won’t love what they don't know.”

It has been a guiding principle for my "adult" life!

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy gardening and spending as much time as possible on the river. Fishing, boating, or camping! It doesn’t matter to me as long as the water is moving downstream.

What is the number one piece of advice you have for someone trying to get into this field?

The value of networking is key. Getting the opportunity to sit down for an interview is great, but even a brief interaction or casual cup of coffee can lead to great opportunities.

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