Take Part in Future Events
Upcoming Events

Catch Magazine’s Best of Both Worlds Tour
Join us at the Tower Theatre for an evening of fly fishing films, photography, and storytelling, all in support of the Deschutes River Conservancy.

Fish, Flows, and the Future: Conservation and Management in the Deschutes Basin
A deep dive into the state of fisheries, habitat restoration, and water management efforts in Central Oregon
Raise the Deschutes Seminar Series
Learn more about water in the Deschutes Basin or watch recordings of past Raise the Deschutes seminars.
Past Events

Raising the Deschutes: Challenges and Solutions for Our Rivers
Join the Deschutes River Conservancy to discover how collaborative efforts are restoring streamflows, improving water quality, and securing a sustainable future

Beneath the Surface: Navigating Oregon's New Groundwater Rules and Their Impact in Central Oregon
Understanding the largest change in Oregon's water policy in decades. What changed and what does it mean for the future of water in Central Oregon?

Happy Hour & Instream Collective Launch Party
Join the DRC crew on November 13th from 4-6pm at Confluence Fly Shop for a beverage, good conversation, and the launch of the Instream Collective.

2024 Lava Island Fish Rescue - STARTS SATURDAY
Sign up to volunteer for the 2024 Lava Island Fish Rescue. UPDATE: NO RESCUE FRIDAY. RESCUE STARTS SATURDAY October 19th.

Water-Wise Farming: A Guided Tour of Carrot Seed Production, Harvesting, and Processing

River to Fields: Explore How Irrigation Affects Our Landscape
Tour the irrigation diversions along the Upper/Middle Deschutes River. Learn where the water goes, how it's used on the land, and what happens downstream.